It’s nabi & Co.

Nabi & Co. is a Business Coaching and development company.

Our primary focus is Branding and Marketing. Our goal is to coach small business owners and professionals on the fundamentals of building their business from the ground up. We do this by understanding our clients long term agenda, not just in business but life in general.

Conceptualizing an idea is only a small task in securing a solid foundation for your business. Here at Nabi & Co, we register your business, help build your personal credit while simultaneously building your business credit, outline strategies for advancement, and hone in on your target audience to solidify a real plan for your marketing.

As a full time business owner for over 7 years we've only scratched the surface on all the tricks, tips and tools needed to sustain a company. Nabi & Co wants to highlight the wins and losses to help other small business owners and professionals avoid making similar yet costly mistakes while in start up.

We're trying to increase your network and your net worth! We want you to start leveraging the people you know, the places you're around and who you are at the core to enhance your life.